Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Best Girlfriend story.

When I was young, I flipped the storybook back and forth. I only look into the photos and pictures in it but I never even bother to read about it. I guess, this is what happened in things between both of us.

We had been the prince and princess in the story for a long time. I always wanted to be your Prince Charming and you always want to be my Little Princess. But, the reality is here, love is not about story in the fairy tales. They are not was wonderful as it is. One must endure much pain and suffering to be with their Little Princess. Killing dragons, monsters or witches to win the princess's heart. In reality, one must get up enough courage to trust and love his princess.

For the two years pages of love story, I never ever get TRUST into my mind. It's not because I am stubborn. Mainly because I never appreciate you as a girlfriend of mine, as a lover of mine or even as my princess in the story. I take you for granted but when you're gone, I start trying and putting my effort to gain your heart back. But, it don't work this time. You had changed, or perhaps, my attitude changed you.

I took you as my home. A place that I would seek for security and feel safe. I feel that you will not leave me no matter what happens. A home that I can always go back to when I feel to. A home that will open up their hands and hug me when I need to. I was wrong, totally wrong again. You're my home, you're the girl that I would die for but it's different when things being seen from your view.

Maybe I should close up this book. Keep it in my book shelf, when time comes, when time really comes, I shall take out the book. Take a huge blow on the dust and rewrite again. Rewriting a story named, 'The Best Girlfriend" with you again.

Thank you. I will love you for the
Rest of my life.
Until the day I die.
Sincerely from, LZY.
Thanks for the memories.

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